“…Crop breeding has resulted in the development of thousands of genotypes, which show contrasted agro-morphological and metabolic features (Berry, Kendall, Rutterford, Orford, & Griffiths, 2015;Beyer, Daba, Tyagi, Bockelman, Brown-Guedira, IWGSC, & Mohammadi, 2019;Gotti et al, 2018;Shaposhnikov et al, 2016;Siddique, Belford, & Tennant, 1990;York et al, 2015;Zhang et al, 2013), as well as contrasted stress response patterns (Esmail, Eldessouky, Mahfouz, & El-Demardash, 2016;Khakwani, Dennett, & Munir, 2011;Ramshini, Mirzazadeh, Moghaddam, & Amiri, 2016). Crop genotypes can also differ in their ability to recruit soil bacteria (Bouffaud et al, 2012), induce gene expression in rhizobacteria (Notz et al, 2001;Vacheron et al, 2016), and respond to PGPR inoculation (Sasaki et al, 2010;Vacheron et al, 2016).…”