dible criterion was exceeded by only a few db. The complaint was eliminated after the noise had been made inaudible according to the criterion curves. It was also interesting to note that the attenuation versus distance determined by Mr. Edwards agrees well with the curves presented in the paper. As Mr. Smith points out, it is diffi-cult to draw curves which are accurate for each condition. However, the data for the attenuation as a function of distance plotted so far fall within a not very broad band.Mr. Edwards published a curve showing the attenuation obtained by placing a wall between the transformer and the residence.The attenuation which was obtained by building this wall checks the curves calculated' by Wells. THE decision to establish a 330-kv transmission system meant that it would be necessary to develop a whole new line of apparatus for operation at this voltage. Preparation for this is represented by the data obtained from the Tidd tests, plus the accumulated experience of previous operation at lower voltages. It was not economical or sound