“…Over the last 20 years many examples of substitution of Si by B have been found in natural and synthetic tourmalines (Ertl et al, 1997(Ertl et al, , 2005(Ertl et al, , 2006(Ertl et al, , 2007(Ertl et al, , 2008(Ertl et al, , 2012a(Ertl et al, , 2012b(Ertl et al, , 2015Hughes et al, 2004;Kutzschbach et al, 2016Kutzschbach et al, , 2017Lussier et al, 2008Lussier et al, , 2009Schreyer et al, 2000Schreyer et al, , 2002. Using the crystallographic and analytical techniques that are most commonly employed today it is difficult to verify the presence of B at the T site.…”