“…The LEC/aLEC is a key node of the episodic (Bellmund, Polti, & Doeller, 2020, Vandrey et al, 2020Takehara-Nishiuchi, 2022) and social (Dang et al, 2022;Lopez-Rojas, de Solis, Leroy, Kandel, & Siegelbaum, 2022) memory, provides fast information reproduction under similar context (Pilkiw, Jarovi & Takehara-Nishiuchi, 2022) participates in detecting familiarity for events (Mahnke, Atucha, Pina-Fernàndez, Kitsukawa & Sauvage, 2021), in time association of the stimuli which are applied in a certain sequence (Yu, Yu, Choi & Takehara-Nishiuchi, 2021), in engramming and reproduction of the temporal information, summarized in the LEC according to the acquired behavioral experience (Tsao et al, 2018;Bellmund, Deuker & Doeller, 2019;Bellmund, Polti, & Doeller, 2020), and finaly, in producing the space-time map of the experienced events Bellmund et al, 2019;Montchal, Reagh & Yassa, 2019;Bellmund, Polti, & Doeller, 2020). The LEC may also play a role in the mechanisms of fear memory (East Jr., Brady & Quinn, 2021) and neuropathic pain syndrome (Guida et al, 2022), in the formation of spatial correlates of feeding behavior (Azevedo et al, 2019) and, together with the anterior cingulate cortex -participate in the motivation sphere function and in the network reinforcement correlates formation .…”