“…As part of our revisionary study on Rubus in the Western Ghats, from southern Kanara (Udupi District, Karnataka) and Bangitapal in the Nilgiri Hills (Tamil Nadu), we collected specimens of Rubus we could not identify. After their detailed examination, perusal of relevant literature (Hooker 1878, Gupta et al 2016, Gamble 1919, Dassanayake & Fosberg 1981, examination of protologues, and comparison with voucher specimens deposited at BM, BR, P, K, MH, CAL, CALI, and CMPR (herbarium acronyms according to https://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/), the collected specimens were identified as Rubus gardenerianus, a poorly known species distributed in Sri Lanka and southern India. The name R. gardenerianus is considered 'unresolved' (http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/rjp-16533) due to the lack of specimens after type collection, and missing detailed description other than the protologue.…”