“…Consequently, differences in Pb isotope composition can be used to discriminate different sources. The Pb isotope technique has been employed in a number of environmental studies often using airborne particulates (e.g., Aberg et al, 1999;Bollhofer and Rosman, 2001;Deboudt et al, 1999;Flament et al, 2002;Graney and Landis, 2013;Haack et al, 2002;Lahd Geagea et al, 2008a, b;Mihaljevic et al, 2011;Monna et al, 1997;Negrel et al, 2015;Simonetti et al, 2000;Vé ron et al, 1999;Weiss et al, 1999). Since the 1995 publication of the pioneering study by Carignan and Gariepy (1995), numerous studies have highlighted the advantages of using Pb isotope ratios in lichens as a powerful tool for identifying atmospheric (Chiaradia and Cupelin, 2000;Dolgopolova et al, 2006;Doucet and Carignan, 2001;Monna et al, 1997;Simonetti et al, 2003;Spiro et al, 2004).…”