“…The challenges have been the very small hatching size of most species, recruitments for live zooplankton as food, constant swimming and susceptibility to skin damage resulting from impact with tank walls (Hanlon 1990; Hanlon, Turk & Lee 1991). Between 1979 and 1983, the Marine Biomedical Institute successfully reared Loligo opalescens (Hanlon, Hixon, Hulet & Yang 1979; Yang, Hanlon, Krejci, Hixon & Hulet 1980; Yang, Hanlon, Krejci, Hixon & Hulet 1983a), L. forbesi (Hanlon, Yang, Turk, Lee & Hixon 1989) and L. vulgaris (Turk, Hanlon, Bradford & Yang 1986) from hatching to adult size in the search for an ideal squid species culture for biomedical and aquaculture studies. Yang, Hixon, Turk, Krejci, Hanlon and Hulet (1983b) successesfully cultured L. opalescens from field‐collected eggs to the first laboratory‐spawned generation.…”