“…where P t and χ t are the K × L × N power and channel allocation matrices at time t. Φ t is the K × N channel allocation matrix. The channel allocation index Φ t i,n = 1, if cellular link i occupies RB n exclusively, otherwise, Φ t i,n = 0 in scheduling period t. χ t i,j,n = 1, if cellular link i and D2D link j reuse the same RB n, otherwise, χ t i,j,n = 0 in scheduling period t. In (21), the first term is the sum of the ratios for cellular links without reusing; the second term is the sum of the ratios for cellular links with channel reusing, and the last term is the sum of the ratios for all D2D links. Constraints (21a)-(21h) in scheduling period t are equivalent to (11a)-(11f ).…”