“…al., 2010;Pelit and Ayduğan, 2011) are investigated, one can put forward that impact level of demographical variables on the organizational cynicism varies, and general opinion is "some personal/demographical factors have no impact on the organizational cynicism. On the other hand, the variables in the studies of mobbing concept within the organizational environment, although it is possible to note that especially mobbing has generally negative impact/relation on the organizational climate (Mercan, 2007;Yılmaz et.al., 2009), leadership (Cemaloğlu, 2007), personality (Deniz, 2007;Avcı and Kaya, 2010;Deniz and Ünsal, 2010), work satisfaction (Çalışkan and Tepeci 2008;Doğan, 2009;Karcıoğlu and Akbaş, 2010), intention to leave the job (Çakır, 2006;Özaralı and Torun, 2007), organizational citizenship (Raver, 2004;Poyraz and Aksoy, 2012), exhaustion (Sürgevil et.al., 2007), efficiency (Yeşiltaş and Demirçivi, 2009), organizational loyalty (Tengilimoğlu et.al., 2010) as well as relations, one can realize that there is a lack of studies in connection with its impacts on organizational cynicism, an unwanted conditions related with organizations and composing one of the main subjects of the study. Such as there is no study, which reveals this relation level in connection with tourism and hotels.…”