We consider a quantum channel acting on an infinite dimensional von Neumann algebra of operators on a separable Hilbert space. When there exists an invariant normal faithful state, the cyclic properties of such channels are investigated passing through the decoherence free algebra and the fixed points domain. Both these spaces are proved to be images of a normal conditional expectation so that their consequent atomic structure are analyzed in order to give a better description of the action of the channel and, for instance, of its Kraus form and invariant densities.Point (ii) already appeared in [14] (see also references therein) and was the original representation of the decoherence free algebra used in [9] when introducing environmental decoherence.The following results are well known.Proposition 4. Assume that there is a faithful normal invariant state for Φ. Then (i) F is a von Neumann subalgebra.(ii) The restriction Φ| N is a *-automorphism.Proof. See e.g.[39] and references therein.
Maps with a faithful invariant stateIn this section, we assume that there is a faithful normal state ρ ∈ S(H) for Φ. In this case, there is another special subalgebra investigated in the literature, e.g. [7,27], appearing in some asymptotic splitting, usually called the reversible subalgebra and denoted by M r . We describe the reversible subalgebra, following [7], [27] or [29]. Let S be the closure of the semigroup of channels {Φ n , n ∈ N} in the point-ultraweak topology and defineWe will show below, in Theorem 1, that the equality M r = N holds for channels on B(H) (or more generally on atomic von Neumann algebras).Due to the presence of a faithful normal invariant state, for any ϕ ∈ B(H) * , the set {Φ n * ϕ, n ∈ N} is weakly relatively compact, equivalently, the set S consists of normal operators and is a compact semitopological semigroup ([27, Proposition 2.1]). Further, S contains a minimal ideal M(S) which is a compact topological group. Let F be the unit of this group, then M(S) = F •S and F is a normal conditional expectation preserving the invariant state ρ such that T F = F T for all T ∈ S. Finally, M r is a von Neumann algebra and the minimal ideal M(S) acts as a compact group of *-automorphisms on M r ([7, Theorem 1.2 and Corollary 1.3]). This last fact trivially implies, in particular, that M r ⊆ N and that equality holds in finite dimension, but the infinite dimensional case is quite more delicate and tricky. Now let X ∈ B(H) and let O 0 (X) := {Φ k (X), k ∈ N} be the orbit of X under {Φ k } k≥0 . Then the weak*-closureŌ 0 (X) is the orbit of X under S, O 0 (X) = O(X) := {T (X), T ∈ S} and we can define the stable subspace as M s := {X ∈ B(H), 0 ∈ O(X)}.The following lemma can be deduced from [29, Theorem 2.1], [7, Theorem 1.2] and [27, Proposition 2.2]. Since we did not find an explicit and comprehensive statement in the literature, we reconstruct here the detailed result that we need and the proof for the convenience of the reader.Lemma 1. Let F be the normal conditional expectation introduced before.