Ureteral reimplantation with or without tapering is a common procedure in pediatric urology for obstructed megaureter. However, as for under one year old children, besides support opinions [1][2][3][4], there is no consensus about these conventional reimplantations because they could cause ureteral stenosis, even permanent neurologic lesions [5,6]. In the surgical treatment of obstructed megaureter, to avoid these complications, some other techniques may be used as temporary procedures, such as double J ureteral stenting [7], cutaneous ureterostomy [8], temporary refluxing ureteral reimplantation [9,10], while waiting for bladder growth when conventional reimplantation can safely be performed. Temporary refluxing ureteral reimplantation has been recommended for primary obstructed megaureter [11]. We present the direct refluxing ureteral reimplantation