“…Benzofurans, also known by users as benzo fury or benzofury , are synthetic phenethylamines and constitute the third most prominent group of new psychoactive substances (NPS) that have been introduced to the market during the current decade (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, ). As the popularity of these novel phenethylamine derivatives increased, the number of reported intoxications, including some deaths, have been also proportionally reported in the scientific literature (Adamowicz et al, ; Adamowicz, Zuba, & Byrska, ; Barcelo et al, ; Chan, Wood, Hudson, & Dargan, ; Clemente, Chiappini, Claridge, Goodair, & Loi, ; Helander, Beck, & Backberg, ; Hofer et al, ; Jebadurai, Schifano, & Deluca, ; Kamour et al, ; Krpo, Luytkis, Haneborg, & Hoiseth, ; McIntyre, Gary, Trochta, Stolberg, & Stabley, ; Seetohul & Pounder, ; Turcant et al, ; Vallersnes et al, ). However, their toxicological profiles are far from being fully elucidated and information on the mechanisms responsible for their detrimental effects is yet to be disclosed.…”