“…The Coast Range Fault, a name applied over a wide geographic region to structures separating Franciscan Complex and Coast Range ophiolite, is a bedrock fault with remnants found as far east as the eastern margin of the Coast Ranges and as far west as the San Andreas Fault. The Coast Range Fault has a complex kinematic history, with various datasets suggesting both thrust and normal displacement across the fault (e.g., Medwedeff , 2021). Juxtaposition of blueschist-grade rocks of the Franciscan Complex against zeolite-grade rocks of the Great Valley Group in the footwall and hanging wall, respectively, of the Coast Range Fault indicates that it may be the structure on which the Franciscan Complex is exhumed (e.g., Jayko et al, 1987;Unruh et al, 2007;Wakabayashi, 2021), though it has also been interpreted as a later, out-of-sequence thrust Ring andBrandon (1994, 1999); Ring (2008).…”