DOI: 10.2298/tsci190101297z
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Influence of temperature on physical and mechanical properties of a sedimentary rock: Coal measure mudstone

Abstract: Determining the physical and mechanical behavior of sedimentary rocks is one of the most common challenges in deep rock mass engineering. Experiments were conducted to study the physical and mechanical properties of coal measure mudstone with scanning electron microscope, xrays diffraction and uniaxial compression testing. The results show that temperature has a significant effect on the physical and mechanical properties of coal measure mudstone. The presence of clay minerals in the evaluated mudstone contrib… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 15 publications
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“…Additionally, the seepage pressure substantially impacts the failure pattern and extent of damage within coal measure rocks under the action of water seepage. Moreover, the increase in temperature exerts a discernible effect on the coal measure rock strength, presenting an initial increase followed by a subsequent decrease. Observations pertaining to the composition of the rock material and changes in the fine structure illustrate that augmented strength emanates from the thermal expansion of crystalline minerals, while the ongoing temperature rise leads to the decomposition of kaolinite and the thermal cracking of mineral grains, ultimately diminishing the rock strength. Guizhou’s coal measure gas resources are primarily located in western Guizhou. The main coal measure is the Permian Upper Longtan Formation, characterized by thin to medium-thick coal seams.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Additionally, the seepage pressure substantially impacts the failure pattern and extent of damage within coal measure rocks under the action of water seepage. Moreover, the increase in temperature exerts a discernible effect on the coal measure rock strength, presenting an initial increase followed by a subsequent decrease. Observations pertaining to the composition of the rock material and changes in the fine structure illustrate that augmented strength emanates from the thermal expansion of crystalline minerals, while the ongoing temperature rise leads to the decomposition of kaolinite and the thermal cracking of mineral grains, ultimately diminishing the rock strength. Guizhou’s coal measure gas resources are primarily located in western Guizhou. The main coal measure is the Permian Upper Longtan Formation, characterized by thin to medium-thick coal seams.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Rossi et al [15] studied the weakening phenomenon of sandstone and granite after flame-jet heating, and clarified the influence of the heating rate on the formation of microcracks. Zhang et al [16] conducted SEM, XRD and uniaxial compression tests on coal measure mudstone after different high temperaturetreatments, and found that temperature has a significant effect on the physical-mechanical properties of mudstone. Luo et al [17] studied the change of Young's modulus of red sandstone after heating-cooling cycle, and analyzedthe main causes of thermal-induced damages.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…}DQD x@ OYQO 50 w 35 =D xQwLtlD |Q=Wi Ctw=kt Vy=m [14] "OwW|t xOy=Wt ? ; =@ xOW lvN w =wy =@ xOW C=}YwYN QO = Q1000 0 C =D q=@ |=tO QF= '2017 u= Q=mty w 10 u=}D nvwy =D xQwLtlD |Q=Wi Ctw=kt Q=Okt xm OvDi=} QO w OvOQm |UQQ@ C} Qw}O |m}v=mt V}=Ri= =@ u; R= Oa@ =t= '10 R= QDtm CU= xDW=O |tm C= Q}}eD 400 0 C |=tO 'xOt; CUO x@ VvQm -VvD |=y|vLvt T=U= Q@ "CU= xDi=} Vy=m u; Q=Okt =tO [15] "CU= xOw@ 600 0 C OwOL C} Qw}O Q}PBpmW x@ xOvvmW R=i p=kDv= |v=QL@ |=tO QF= CLD = Q nvU po |m}v=mt C=}YwYN '2021 u= Q=mty w 11 nv=S u;w} po Ctw=kt 'O= Qo|Dv=U |xHQO 200 =D 25 R= xm OvDi=} QO w OvOQm |UQQ@ CQ= QL =D 200 R= G} QOD x@ nvU Ctw=kt u; R= Oa@ w V}=Ri= |yHwD p@=k Qw] x@ nvU nvU po 'OUQ|t 400 0 C x@ =tO |Dkw "O@=}|t V}=Ri= O= Qo|Dv=U |xHQO 400 sw=kt |Qwr@ |vOat O=wt |DQ=QL \=U@v= w C}v}rw=m |x}RHD |xH}Dv QO QwmPt x@ QHvt xm 'OwW|t R=e; G} QOD x@ |DQ=QL |oOQwNlQD '600 0 C R= QDq=@ "OwW|t [16] "OwW|t Ctw=kt Vy=m xOW u}}aD p@k R= |}=tO K]U x@ = Q =yxvwtv ' 12 xR=Ov= QF= pmW QO [17] "CW=O Ovy=wN |Dw=iDt |xR=Ov= QF= s=Om Qy xm 'CU= xOW p}mWD QF= x@ Qm@ nvU |Q=Wi Ctw=kt |oDU@=w u=}@ |= Q@ Q=Owtv |rwtat p=Ft l} '1 xOy=Wt 'CU= xOW |Qw;`tH nvU hrDNt `=wv= |y=oW}=tR; G}=Dv R= xm 'xR=Ov= [18] "OwW|t %CU= xOt; CUO x@ 1 |x]@= Q R= Q}N= Q=Owtv |xrO=at c = c;50 ( d 50 ) [9] " '2008 u= Q=mty w 6 wS [10] "CU= |}=tO |xOwOLt QO |QwLtlD |Q=Wi Ctw=kt V}=tR; R= xO=iDU= =@ C}v=Qo nvU =@ '800 0 C |=tO =D xm OvDi=} QO w OvOQm xar=]t O= Qo|Dv=U |xHQO 1200 =D 25 |=y=tO QO =t= 'CU= xOQm Q}}eD |tm Q=Okt \ki |m}v=mt C=}YwYN =tO V}=Ri= |}x_Lqt p@=k Qw] x@ |QwLtlD |Q=Wi Ctw=kt =tO V}=Ri= =@ '800 0 C R= QDq=@ Ctw=kt QO = Q q=@ |=tO QF= '2018 u= Q=mty w 7 s=Dw=o [11] "CU= xDi=} Vy=m =D 25 |}=tO |xOwOLt |= Q@ Jalore C}v=Qo |WWm Ctw=kt w |QwLtlD |Q=Wi |=tO =D |WWm w |Q=Wi Ctw=kt u; QO w OvOQm |UQQ@ O= Qo|Dv=U |xHQO 600 CU= xOW XNWt "CU= xDi=} Vy=m COW x@ u; R= QDq=@ =t= 'V}= Ri= 300 0 C Q=DiQ 'u; R= QDq=@ xm 'CU= Jalore C}v=Qo |= Q@ |v=QL@ |=tO '300 0 C |=tO xm 'O= Qo|Dv=U |xHQO 600 =D 300 |xOwOLt "O@=}|t Vy=m COW x@ |m}v=mt QDxO}J}B C}v=Qo |oDN}Uo xm CU= |}=H w CU= Q}PBpmW -OQD p=kDv= |x}L=v u=}t Ovw}B |oOWh}a[ w =yxv=O u}@ l=m]Y= V}=Ri= 'Q}N= |xOwOLt QO "CU= [12] "CU= xOy=Wt p@=k =tO V}=Ri= =@ |Q}tN pmWQ}}eD u}L QO C}v=Qo |=yxv=O QO = Q 850 0 C |=tO =D |DQ=QL C=}rta Q}F -=D '2015 u= Q=mty w 8 u}} nv}@ wD |r} RQ@ VWm V}=tR; R= xO=iDU= =@ Laurentian C}v=Qo |r} RQ@ |WWm Ctw=kt |m}D=DU= |WWm Ctw=kt xm OvDi=} QO w OvO=O s=Hv= |m}t=v}O w |m}D=DU= CQwY x@ V}=Ri= l} =@ |m}t=v}O |WWm Ctw=kt xm |r=L QO 'O@=}|t Vy=m =tO V}=Ri= =@ C=}rta xm |t=ovy "O@=}|t Vy=m TBU w V}=Ri= =OD@= '|Q=PoQ=@ MQv QO |]N p}rO x@ =ylQDR} Q V}=Ri= x@ QHvt RDQ=wm R=i p=kDv= 'OwQ|t QDq=@ 850 0 C R= |DQ=QL QO Vy=m |rY= p}rO xm 'OwW|t =y|v=m Qo}O w RDQ=wm |=yxv=O u}@ Cw=iDt \=U@v= "hrDNt |=yQ]k =@ nvU |=ylwr@ R= |Q}oxRet "2 pmW "xQOtQN C}v=Qo nvU lR=v `]kt |B wmUwQm}t Q} wYD "3 pmW C@Uv =@ =yxvwtv "OvOW x}yD QDt|r}t 84 w 54 '28 Q]k =@ |}=yxRet w OW xO=iDU= xO=t; |DQ=QL |=yuwtR; |= Q@ w CN=OQB =yv; |}=yDv= Kw]U w xO}Q@ '2 Q]k x@ `=iDQ= x=oDUO =@ =yv; xD w QU TBU w xO}Q@ nvU VQ@ x=oDUO |xr}Uw x@ =yxvwtv "OvOW |wQ xvwtv xm 'CW=O lwr@ V l} |vR?=U x=oDUO "OvOW xO=O pk}Y |vR?=U uOQ@ ?ka w wrH =@ w C@=F =yI}B uOQm smLt |xr}Uw x@ q=@ R= w CiQo|t Q= Qk u; xO}@=U 'VNQJ p=L QO |HvQ@ |xLi...…”
confidence: 99%