“…MOFs can be designed for desired separation and capture processes by tuning the microporous channels and introducing functional groups. There are several pyrene-based MOFs in the literature that have been investigated for adsorption and separation owing to different reasons, such as (i) preferential binding sites on the carboxylates and aromatic rings on the linker, 90,195 (ii) permanent porosity and framework stability in the presence of water, 78 (iii) suitable pyrene-pyrene distance for the adsorption and separation of gas molecules, 57,77,85 (iv) the presence of rotatable units connected to pyrene ligand, resulting in enhanced loading of the guest molecules in the structure, 60 (v) donor-acceptor interaction between the adsorbate molecule and pyrene, 91 and (vi) the possibility of using functional groups within the MOF as structure-directing agents. 84 In this section, we will discuss pyrene-based MOFs that have been investigated for adsorption and separation of different molecules and Table 4 will be summarizing all the performances.…”