“…The most vulnerable animals are often the largest Dirzo 2013, Dirzo et al 2014) and the effects of losing large frugivores can already be seen in some places where plants dispersed by smaller dispersal agents or abiotic means are becoming overrepresented (Wang et al 2007, Wright et al 2007, Harrison et al 2013. However, this does not seem to be the case for many largeseeded plants, as several studies suggest that the surrogate seed disperser may not be as effective as the largest ones (Poulsen et al 2002, Donatti et al 2009, Campos-Arceiz et al 2012, Bueno et al 2013, Kistler et al 2015, Sekar et al 2015. However, this does not seem to be the case for many largeseeded plants, as several studies suggest that the surrogate seed disperser may not be as effective as the largest ones (Poulsen et al 2002, Donatti et al 2009, Campos-Arceiz et al 2012, Bueno et al 2013, Kistler et al 2015, Sekar et al 2015.…”