The admittance of two types of primary batteries, alkaline and Leclanche, has been studied in the frequency range 10-2-104 Hz and at temperatures of -20, +20, and +50~ in the fully charged and also in the continuously and intermittently discharged conditions. An ac signal of between 1 and 10 mV was used and measurements were made under potentiostatic control to minimize the dc current. The data are presented as frequency dependent real and imaginary components of the complex capacitance and also as complex impedance plots. Equivalent circuits are fitted using "universal" dispersive capacitors following a power law of frequency dependence of the form C~(r = A,~(ir n-1 with the exponent in the range (0, 1). The various components of the equivalent circuits are tentatively associated with specific electrochemical processes taking place in the batteries in question.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-03-23 to IP VoL 135,No. 7