“…It was also determined in a previous studies, that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) levels in the soft tissues of P. nobilis were more than 20-fold higher compared to the ones found in M. galloprovincialis (Sureda et al, 2011;Sureda et al, 2013b). In accordance, it has been reported that fish eggs, larvae and juveniles have been affected by combustion derived products from boat engines and nutrients increase due to wastewaters (Whitfield and Becker, 2014;Leon and Warnken, 2008). In a previous study, it has been evidenced that P. nobilis individuals in eutrophic environments showed higher growth rates than those in oligotrophic environments, but had lower survival rates with a density ranging from 5.2 to 8.8 ind/100 m 2 in Santa Maria Bay (Cabrera), whereas mean density was about 1.8 ind/100 m 2 in Magaluf (Vázquez-Luis et al, 2014;Hendriks et al, 2013).…”