“…Little previous work has concerned small, 12 fragile, epibenthic microgastropods such as Calopia and Pseudoliotia -13 forms that dominate the Stradbroke seagrass patches away from edges 14 (Barnes andBarnes, 2011, 2012;Barnes and Ellwood, 2012). But as water 15 velocities are known to be higher near seagrass margins (Peterson et al, 16 2004;Murphy et al, 2010), it is perhaps not surprising that some species, 17 such as Pseudoliotia, should be less abundant and widespread under the 18 more turbulent conditions near the interface, maybe via effects on their 19 recruitment (Bologna and Heck, 2002;Matias et al, 2013) or because of 20 dislodgement (Tuya et al, 2011). In addition, small, fragile animals may be 21 at greater risk from predators when relatively exposed (Kark and van 22 Rensburg, 2006;Barnes, 2010).…”