“…In the latter case, one of regularly used methods is multiple-particle tracking (MPT), which relies on simultaneous real-time monitoring of the displacement of hundreds or thousands of individual particles (Lai, Wang, Wirtz, & Hanes, 2009). Evaluation of the diffusivity of identical-in-size nano-or micro-particles allows for probing the permeability, microrheology, and heterogeneity in microstructural organisation of mucus (Lai, Wang, Hida, Cone, & Hanes, 2010;Lock et al, 2020;Macierzanka, Mackie, & Krupa, 2019). This method has been used to determine the role of the size and surface chemistry of particles on their transport in mucus (Maisel, Ensign, Reddy, Cone, & Hanes, 2015;Yildiz, McKelvey, Marsac, & Carrier, 2015).…”