“…If more information is required to fit a more complex model, additional experiments are necessary to force the system to oscillate at other frequencies to find additional points in the Nyquist map. Techniques to generate oscillations at lower frequencies than the original ω osc are based on including additional time delays (Leva et al, 2006;Li et al, 1991;Scali et al, 1999;Tan et al, 1996), inserting an integrator (Friman & Waller, 1997;Sung & Lee, 2006;Wang & Shao, 1999), or modifying the hysteresis (Liu & Gao, 2012) or the asymmetry of the relay (Kishore et al, 2018). The original idea of this family of methods was proposed in a seminal paper by Åström & Hägglund, 1984.…”