We present Keck high-resolution near-IR (2.2 km ; and mid-IR (12.5 km ; FWHM D FWHM D 0A .15) images of APM 08279]5255, a z \ 3.91 IR-luminous broad absorption line quasi-stellar object with 0A .4) a prodigious apparent bolometric luminosity of 5 ] 1015 the largest known in the universe. The L _ , K-band image shows that this system consists of three components, all of which are likely to be the gravitationally lensed images of the same background object, and the 12.5 km image shows a morphology consistent with such an image conÐguration. Our lens model suggests that the magniÐcation factor is D100 from the rest-frame UV to mid-IR, where most of the luminosity is released. The intrinsic bolometric luminosity and IR luminosity of APM 08279]5255 are estimated to be 5 ] 1013 and L _ 1 ] 1013 respectively. This indicates that APM 08279]5255 is intrinsically luminous, but it is not L _ , the most luminous object known. As for its dust contents, little can be determined with the currently available data because of the uncertainties associated with the dust emissivity and the possible e †ect of di †erential magniÐcation. We also suggest that the lensing galaxy is likely to be a massive galaxy at z D 3.