SummaryThe regulation of antigen processing and presentation to MHC c1ass I-restricted cytolytic T Iymphocytes was studled In cells Infected wlth murine cytomegalovirus. Recognitlon by cytolytlc T Iymphocytes 01 the phosphoprotein pp89, the Immunodomlnant viral antigen expressed in the Immediate-early phase of infection, was selectively prevented during the subsequent expression of viral early genes. The surface expression 01 MHC class I glycoprotelns and their capaelty to present externally added pp89-derlved antigenie peptides were not affected. Because recognition of several other antigens oeeurred during the early phase, a general fallure In processlng and presentation was exeluded. Sinee neither rate 0' synthesls, amount, stabllity, nor nuclear transport 0' pp89 was modi'led, the failure In reeognition Indleates a selectlve inlerterenee wllh pp89 antigen processlng and presentation.