DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2016.1277984
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How network position interacts with the relation between creativity and innovation in clustered firms

Abstract: Registro de acceso restringido Este recurso no está disponible en acceso abierto por política de la editorial. No obstante, se puede acceder al texto completo desde la Universitat Jaume I o si el usuario cuenta con suscripción. Registre d'accés restringit Aquest recurs no està disponible en accés obert per política de l'editorial. No obstant això, es pot accedir al text complet des de la Universitat Jaume I o si l'usuari compta amb subscripció. Restricted access item This item isn't open access because of publ… Show more

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Cited by 12 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 70 publications
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“…decrease. Yet, while it has been argued elsewhere that the effect of spatial proximity may have been over-stated (del-Corte-Lora, Vallet-Bellmunt, and Molina-Morales 2017), the fact that it is still a significant determinant of U-I links for firms in this sector, as well as within the extant literature, shows that this factor is still important. Therefore, the results confirm previous findings within the extant literature around the importance of spatial proximity and its curvi-linear influence (D'Este, Guy, and Iammarino 2013; Giuliani and Arza 2009;Hewitt-Dundas, Gkypali, and Roper 2019;Johnston and Huggins 2016a;Muscio 2013),…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…decrease. Yet, while it has been argued elsewhere that the effect of spatial proximity may have been over-stated (del-Corte-Lora, Vallet-Bellmunt, and Molina-Morales 2017), the fact that it is still a significant determinant of U-I links for firms in this sector, as well as within the extant literature, shows that this factor is still important. Therefore, the results confirm previous findings within the extant literature around the importance of spatial proximity and its curvi-linear influence (D'Este, Guy, and Iammarino 2013; Giuliani and Arza 2009;Hewitt-Dundas, Gkypali, and Roper 2019;Johnston and Huggins 2016a;Muscio 2013),…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…Furthermore, the evidence of a curvilinear relationship between spatial proximity and partner selection suggests that while distance is important, the firm does not just choose the closest partner, as beyond an optimal level of spatial proximity the probability of a linkage forming begins to decrease. Yet, while it has been argued elsewhere that the effect of spatial proximity may have been over-stated (del-Corte-Lora et al , 2017), the fact that it is still a significant determinant of U–I links for firms in this sector, as well as within the extant literature shows that this factor is still important. Therefore, the results confirm previous findings within the extant literature around the importance of spatial proximity and its curvilinear influence (D’Este et al , 2013; Giuliani and Arza, 2009; Hewitt-Dundas et al , 2019; Johnston and Huggins, 2016a; Muscio, 2013), suggesting that the open innovation practices of food manufacturing and technology firms are similar to others, despite the fact that their innovation practices are considered to be different (Capitanio et al , 2010; Martinez and Briz, 2000).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…The context of IDs, with the so‐called “industrial atmosphere” as one of its main features, facilitates the flow of experience, information, and knowledge circulating with few restrictions, leading to the appearance of tacit knowledge that is, specific and common to all the firms in the ID (Marshall, 1925). The industrial atmosphere inherent to this phenomenon favors the movement of knowledge and reciprocal learning, giving rise to companies with continuous innovation (Del Corte‐Lora et al., 2017; Dei Ottati, 2006; Gabaldón‐Estevan, Manjarrés‐Henríquez, & Molina‐Morales, 2018). Traditionally, this knowledge transmission is considered to be produced by mechanisms that include the interrelations between suppliers, customers and suppliers, formal and informal collaborations with companies, relations with institutions, mobility of workers between companies in the district, and spin‐off processes.…”
Section: Proposed Model and Hypothesesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To determine these mechanisms, our starting point is the consideration of IDs as networks of interorganizational relationships, given that social networks among the different participating agents are configured within the IDs (Del Corte‐Lora, Vallet‐Bellmunt, & Molina‐Morales, 2017; McEvily & Zaheer, 1999). The study of networks can help understand behavioral differences between participants and their results, since the use of these networks provides access to information, resources, markets, and valuable technologies for firms (Gulati, Norhia, & Zaheer, 2000).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Examinar los vínculos entre gestión del conocimiento y la creatividad (Muñoz-Pascual & Galende, 2017). Además, valdría la pena preguntar si la creatividad tiene efectos diferentes en distintos tipos de innovación, y dado que no todas las ideas se convierten en innovación, podría ser interesante conocer y analizar críticamente la calidad de las ideas producidas (del-Corte-Lora et al, 2017). En cuanto a aspectos metodológicos, la investigación empírica futura debiera abordar diferentes contextos en empresas de economías desarrolladas y/o en desarrollo (Boso et al, 2017), más estudios que utilicen y prueben medidas de creatividad en la Pyme (Haase et al, 2018), el uso de datos longitudinales para probar las relaciones dinámicas entre creatividad y desempeño de la innovación u obtener la información de múltiples encuestados de la empresa para mejorar la validación de datos Mittal & Dhar, 2015).…”
Section: Conclusionesunclassified