“…In effect, the disruption brought about by the rapid development of FinTech has further compressed the survival space of traditional banks. Now, the urgency of how traditional banks should deal with the challenges of emerging financial services has attracted more and more scholars' attention, for example, banks' complexity innovation (Carlin, 2009; Entrop, McKenzie, Wilkens, & Winkler, 2016; Célérier & Vallée, 2017; Chioveanu, 2019; Wang & Yang, 2019), multiproduct strategy (Barbosa, de Paula Rocha, & Salazar, 2015; Heidhues, Kőszegi, & Murooka, 2016), and advertising strategy (Honka, Hortaçsu, & Vitorino, 2017; Kireyev, Pauwels, & Gupta, 2016). However, these strategies can be easily imitated and copied by the digit financial platform while inevitably leading to the loss of bank customers and market share decline.…”