“…Basic reagents commonly used included Alcian blue, azure A, and other thiazines such as thionin and toluidine blue, aldehyde fuchsin and iron diamines [Spicer and Schulte, 1992;Yamada, 1993;Schumacher and Adam, 1994]. These conventional methods alone [Bremer, 1987;Gilks et al, 1988;Boer and Kits, 1990;Chieffi-Baccari et al, 1990;Gonzalez de Canales et al, 1992;Saint-Girons and Zylberberg, 1992] or in combination with lectins [Danguy andGenten, 1989, 1990;Genten and Danguy, 1990a-c;Castells et al, 1991;Getchell and Mellert, 1991;Sharma and Schumacher, 1992;Uhr et al, 1993] have successfully been employed as reported in the given selection of recent papers of glycan histochemistry.…”