Software evolution is an inevitable process in the development of long-living software systems as, e.g., changes of requirements demand corresponding adaptations. For software product lines, the incorporation of evolution in the development process gets even more complex due to the vast number of potential variants and the set of reusable domain artifacts and their interrelations. To allow for the application of existing analyses also for combined dimensions of variants and versions, recent evolution-aware variability modeling techniques are insufficient for capturing both version and variant information by the same means. In this paper, we propose an extension of annotative variability modeling, also known as 150% modeling, to tackle evolution and variability by the same means. The so called 175% modeling formalism allows for the development and documentation of evolving product lines. A 175% model combines all variant-specific models of all versions of a product line, where elements are mapped to features and versions to specify which version of a variant contains the element. We discuss potential application scenarios for 175% modeling. Furthermore, we propose a bidirectional transformation between 175% and higher-order delta models to exploit the benefits of both modeling formalisms, when solely one type is available. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Software product lines; Model-driven software engineering; Software evolution;