“…Since a large number of dominance tests can often be performed independently, Skyline computation has a good potential to exploit multicore architectures as described in (Selke, Lofi, and Balke, 2010;Im, Park, and Park, 2011;Liknes, Vlachou, Doulkeridis, and Nørvåg, 2014). This paper is an extended version of (Endres, and Kießling, 2014) and we present enhanced algorithms for high-performance parallel Skyline computation which do not depend on tuple comparisons, but on the lattice structure constructed by a Skyline query over low-cardinality domains. Following (Morse, Patel, and Jagadish, 2007;Chomicki, Ciaccia, and Meneghetti, 2013) many Skyline applications involve domains with small cardinalities -these cardinalities are either inherently small (such as star ratings for hotels), or can naturally be mapped to low-cardinality domains (such as price ranges on hotels).…”