DOI: 10.1007/s00122-005-2009-5
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Hessian fly resistance gene H13 is mapped to a distal cluster of resistance genes in chromosome 6DS of wheat

Abstract: H13 is inherited as a major dominant resistance gene in wheat. It was previously mapped to chromosome 6DL and expresses a high level of antibiosis against Hessian fly (Hf) [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] larvae. The objective of this study was to identify tightly linked molecular markers for marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding and as a starting point toward the map-based cloning of H13. Fifty-two chromosome 6D-specific microsatellite (simple sequence repeat) markers were tested for linkage to H13 using ne… Show more

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Cited by 58 publications
(38 citation statements)
References 41 publications
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“…In this study, we used a RIL population instead of F 2 as reported in most previous studies (Dweikat et al 2002;Martín-Sánchez et al 2003;Kong et al 2005Kong et al , 2008Liu et al 2005bLiu et al , 2005cYu et al 2009) to improve phenotyping accuracy. RILs have a high recombination frequency resulting from multiple meiotic events that occurred during repeated selfing (Jansen 2003), and a high level of homozygosity that enables replicated phenotyping across different environments.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In this study, we used a RIL population instead of F 2 as reported in most previous studies (Dweikat et al 2002;Martín-Sánchez et al 2003;Kong et al 2005Kong et al , 2008Liu et al 2005bLiu et al , 2005cYu et al 2009) to improve phenotyping accuracy. RILs have a high recombination frequency resulting from multiple meiotic events that occurred during repeated selfing (Jansen 2003), and a high level of homozygosity that enables replicated phenotyping across different environments.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Molecular markers closely linked to these genes are essential for such gene pyramiding, however, many earlier reported genes were located to chromosomes using monosomic analysis (Gallun and Patterson 1977;Ohm et al 1995). Some were mapped using DNA markers, but the mapping populations used were mainly F 2 generations (Williams et al 2003;Liu et al 2005a;Liu et al 2005c;Wang et al 2006;Kong et al 2008;Yu et al 2009;Miranda et al 2010). Because only a single plant was phenotyped without replication, escape of infestation may cause significant errors in phenotypic data.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Newton is the susceptible recurrent parent, whereas Iris and Molly carry R genes H9 and H13, respectively (Patterson et al, 1994). H9 and H13, located on different chromosomes (Liu et al, 2005a(Liu et al, , 2005b, are both major dominant genes that have a gene-for-gene interaction with Hessian fly avirulence. Rice is a nonhost of Hessian fly (Chen et al, 2009b).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Já o cromossomo 2R do centeio apresenta genes de resistência ao oídio e à ferrugem da folha e do colmo (BRUNELL et al, 1999), ao ataque da mosca Hessian (LIU et al, 2005;SARDESAI et al, 2005;ZHAO et al, 2006) e ao nanismo amarelo da cevada (barley yellow dwarf virus -BYDV) (NKONGOLO & COMEAU, 1998).…”
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“…Vários genes de resistência à mosca Hessian (Mayetiola destrutor) foram mapeados no cromossomo do centeio 2RL, dentre eles H13, (LIU et al, 2005), H32 (SARDESAI et al, 2005) e H22 (ZHAO et al, 2006). HATCHETT et al (1993), por exemplo, estudaram o efeito da translocação 2BS.2RL na cultivar 'Hamlet' e verificaram que esta confere resistência ao biotipo L da mosca Hessian, o mais virulento dentre eles.…”
Section: ------------------------------------------------------------unclassified