Hyperlipaemia and hypercholesterolaemia were induced in white rats by intraperitoneal injections of tyloxapol. Various sympatholytics and adrenolytics, including blocking agents of /3-receptors, were given simultaneously with tyloxapol. Bretylium tosylate prevented the increase in the serum levels of esterified fatty acids and cholesterol caused by tyloxapol. Phentolamine decreased the enhancement by tyloxapol of cholesterol and total lipid concentrations in the serum. Guanethidine and phenoxybenzamine reduced the increase in the concentration of esterified fatty acids, whereas dichloroisoprenaline insignificantly increased the tyloxapol-induced hyperlipaemia. A small dose of pronethalol slightly increased the esterified fatty acid level in tyloxapol-treated animals; a large dose significantly decreased the serum cholesterol concentration. Kellner, Correll & Ladd (1951) observed hypercholesterolaemia, hyperlipidaemia, and hyperphosphatidaemia in rabbits caused by a single intraperitoneal injection of tyloxapol (Superinone, Triton WR-1339, a polymer of p-iso-octylpolyoxyethylenephenol and formaldehyde). This effect upon serum lipids has been confirmed in mice by Cornforth, D'Arcy Hart, Rees & Stock (1951), and in rats by Friedman & Byers (1953) and others (Schon & Berg, 1957;Rosenman, Breall, Byers & Rabin, 1959), but the mechanism of action is not yet completely elucidated. It is known that tyloxapol interferes with lipoprotein lipase (Schotz, Scanu & Page, 1957) and increases cholesterol biosynthesis in vitro (Frantz & Hinkelman, 1955 ; Ballardi, Paoletti & Paoletti, 1958;Bucher, McGarrahan, Gould & Loud, 1959;Scarselli & Fossati, 1961). Garattini, Morpurgo, Paoletti & Paoletti (1959) have proposed that tyloxapol hypercholesterolaemia might be used as a test for the evaluation of the hypocholesterolaemic properties of various drugs.Many adrenotropic agents increase serum levels of cholesterol and free fatty acids (Kaplan & Gant, 1955;Engelberg, 1959). Schotz & Page (1960), Pilkington, Love, Robinson & Titterington (1962) and Wenke, Miihlbachova & Hynie (1962) have shown that various adrenolytic drugs prevent this action of catechol amines upon lipid metabolism. We were interested in assaying the influence of various sympatholytic and adrenolytic drugs upon tyloxapol-induced hyperlipaemia.