“…This has been accomplished [23,24], and in this approach, the Seiberg-Witten-gauge theory arises naturally by studying gauge transformations of the type ψ(q, p) → e −iλ(q,p) ⋆ψ(q, p), leading to a non-commutative-like electrodynamics, such that the propagators, describing bosons and fermions, are related to the Wigner function [21]. Applications of such results include: the interaction between the Dirac equation with an external electromagnetic field in phase space [30]; analysis of the Wigner function for the Landau problem [31]; evaluation of the negativity of the Wigner function for a system defined by the sum of Hénon-Heiles potential and Hydrogen atom [32]. Despite these advances with the field theory in phase phase, the non-abelian gauge symmetry has not been developed for fields in phase space.…”