“…The bulk of previously reported heat-flow values (e.g., 36-45 mW m -2 , Gettings, 1982, Gettings andShowail, 1982; 42 mW m -2 , Galanis et al, 1986) aided to the widely accepted concept of the Arabian Shield being a province of low heat flow (e.g., McGuire, 1988;Stein et al, 1993;Medaris and Syada, 1998). These former values matched the low heat flow of Archean-consolidated terranes (41 ± 11 mW m -2 ; Rudnick et al, 1998) attributed to a great lithosphere thickness (200-250 km) combined with a low crustal heat production (Nyblade, 1999, and references therein).…”