“…Yet, one major challenge moving forward will be ground truthing these predictions to adapt conservation strategies accordingly. Genomic and epigenomic datasets represent powerful resources for conservationists in these efforts (Formenti et al, 2022; Layton & Bradbury, 2021; Waldvogel et al, 2020). The use of genomic tools in conservation is already widespread, allowing for assessments of population structure and connectivity (Wright et al, 2020), inbreeding depression (Dussex et al, 2021; Kardos et al, 2016), contemporary evolutionary responses to environmental change (Bi et al, 2019; Catullo et al, 2019), and adaptive capacities to cope with future change (Bay et al, 2018; Flanagan et al, 2018; Harrisson et al, 2014; Layton et al, 2021).…”