“…For the Wmaze single-day learning paradigm, single-units were tracked continuously across interleaved run and rest sessions (Wmaze run sessions: 17.9 ± 1.0 mins per session, 8 sessions per rat; interleaved rest sessions in rest box: 23.0 ± 4.9 minsper session, 9 sessions per rat; total recording duration: 6.04 ± 0.37 hours per rat; mean ± SD). From top to bottom, isolation distance(Schmitzer-Torbert et al, 2005), cluster center-of-mass shift(Mallory et al, 2018) across sessions (spikes from the first session of the Animal ER1 were clustered separately and therefore excluded from the center-of-mass shift analysis), correlation coefficient of spike waveforms in two consecutive sessions(Li et al, 2017) (Fisher-transformed for normality).Each dot on the scatter plots represents an isolated single unit (All cells that were continuously tracked across all 8 behavioral sessions with stable spiking waveforms, and with firing fields on the W-track, are shown; CA1: n = 216 cells; PFC, n = 154 cells). Dotted horizontal lines indicate inclusion thresholds used for each criterion.…”