I would like to thank Mr. A. Elliot-Smith for his the head and neck. No cutaneous vascular dilatations permission to publish this case, and 1 am also inseen. His general health was excellent. Cardiovascular debted to Dr. G. A. C. Summers for the photographs and other systems normal, Blood-pressure, I24/70. of the specimen.Wassermann and Kahn negative. FIG. 31g.--Photograph of specimen.AT OPERATION.-A small saccular aneurysm of the right superficial temporal artery was found and treated by excision with ligation of the artery above and below (Fig. 319). The sac was three-quarters filled with organized clot and communicated with the artery by a pinheadsized opening, thus explaining the solid feel, the inability to empty it completely by pressure, and the lack of systolic bruit pre-operatively (Fig. 320). FIG. 3zo.--Specimen split to show interior of sac.