(circular birefringence) and absorption losses (circular dichroism) with the circu larly polarized light (CPL) illumination. [10] CB arises from the difference in the real part of refractive index, leading to a dif ferent velocity for LCP and RCP compo nents, and thus results in the polarization rotation of the linearly polarized incident light. CD corresponds to the difference in the imaginary part of refractive index, resulting in a distinct absorption loss for LCP and RCP excitations. Besides the con ventional CD and CB, asymmetric trans mission (circular conversion dichroism) is another fundamental chiroptical pheno menon, which exists in the nondiffracting array, referring to different LCPtoRCP and RCPtoLCP conversion efficiencies. [11] All of these chiroptical phenomena have been successfully applied in the spectros copy for identifying special arrangements of chiral matters in biology, chemistry and physics as efficient diagnostic tools. [12][13][14][15][16] However, the chirop tical response in natural chiral materials is relatively weak due to the small electromagnetic (EM) interaction volume, [17] hence limits its further applications.Recent progress in plasmonics paves the way for the enhancement of chiroptical response. [18][19][20] Surface plasmons (SPs), as the collective electrons oscillation at the dielectric and metal interface, [21][22][23] present the capacity of light confine ment and field enhancement, which significantly improve the strength of lightmatter interactions. [24][25][26][27][28] With the uptodate nanofabrication technology, the study field of chirality has been extended from traditional chiral molecules to 3D metallic nanostructures. [29][30][31][32] Chiroptical responses of metallic meta molecules have been widely investigated, [33][34][35] and applied in various fields, such as biosensing, [36] chiral catalysis, [37] polari zation tuning, [38] and chiral photo detection.[39] The 3D metallic structure exhibited giant optical activity response because of the strong interaction between electric and magnetic resonant modes. [40,41] Different from 3D chiral ensembles, planar chiral structures show none chiral effect, as they can always coincide with their mirror images. However, 2D chirality was successfully found in the quasitwodimensional (quasi2D) chiral structure. [42] Moreover, recent reports show that even achiral nanomaterials have the ability to generate strong CD under an oblique CPL illumination. [43] This kind of extrinsic chirality arises from sym metry breaking of the incident light and the quasi2D material, which is quite different from the intrinsic chirality of 3D chiral The plasmonic chiroptical effect has been used to manipulate chiral states of light, where the strong field enhancement and light localization in metallic nanostructures can amplify the chiroptical response. Moreover, in metamaterials, the chiroptical effect leads to circular dichroism (CD), circular birefringence (CB), and asymmetric transmission. Potential applications enabled by chiral plasmonics...