“…The activities of the following enzymes were determined as markers for respective subcellular organelles: 5'-nucleotidase for plasma membranes (Bartlett, 1959;Morre, 1971); glucose 6-phosphatase for microsomal fraction (Bartlett, 1959;Morre, 1971); succinate-p-iodonitrotetrazolium Violet reductase for mitochondria (Morr6, 1971); arylsulphatase (Sherman & Stanfield, 1967), fi-N-acetylglucosaminidase (Bowers et al, 1967), 6-galactosidase (Robins et al, 1968), acid phosphatase (Bowers et al, 1967), f,-glucuronidase (Allison & Sandelin, 1963;Robins et al, 1968) and cathepsin D (method III of Barrett, 1972) for lysosomes.…”