Spreading depolarization (SD), a pathologic feature of migraine, stroke and traumatic brain injury, is a propagating depolarization of neurons and glia causing profound metabolic demand. Adenosine, the low-energy metabolite of ATP, has been shown to be elevated after SD in brain slices and under conditions likely to trigger SD in vivo. The relationship between metabolic status and adenosine accumulation after SD was tested here, in brain slices and in vivo. In brain slices, metabolic impairment (assessed by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) autofluorescence and O 2 availability) was associated with prolonged extracellular direct current (DC) shifts indicating delayed repolarization, and increased adenosine accumulation. In vivo, adenosine accumulation was observed after SD even in otherwise healthy mice. As in brain slices, in vivo adenosine accumulation correlated with DC shift duration and increased when DC shifts were prolonged by metabolic impairment (i.e., hypoglycemia or middle cerebral artery occlusion). A striking pattern of adenosine dynamics was observed during focal ischemic stroke, with nearly all the observed adenosine signals in the periinfarct region occurring in association with SDs. These findings suggest that adenosine accumulation could serve as a biomarker of SD incidence and severity, in a range of clinical conditions. Keywords: acute stroke; adenosine; brain slice; electrophysiology; energy metabolism; spreading depression INTRODUCTION Spreading depolarization (SD) of brain tissue is a self-propagating wave of neuronal and glial activation, carried by large transmembrane currents that depolarize cells and disrupt ionic gradients. 1,2 Spreading depolarization imposes a large metabolic burden on brain tissue, evidenced by depletion of energy substrates and O 2 3,4 and by accumulation of metabolic byproducts such as lactate and H + . 5,6 ATP concentration drops by nearly 50% during SD in normoxic conditions, 7 and metabolic depletion is expected to be more severe when occurring in tissue with limited substrate availability.Recent clinical studies strongly suggest that SD is involved in the pathophysiology of migraine with aura, thromboembolic stroke, traumatic brain injury, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. 8 While normoxic, normoglycemic SD can be noninjurious, 9 SD in the setting of metabolic compromise exacerbates neuronal injury. 10,11 Work in animal models has identified delayed repolarization, marked by prolonged extracellular direct current (DC) shifts, as a hallmark of injurious SD in metabolically compromised tissue. 10 Observational studies in human subjects have confirmed the association between prolonged DC shifts and poor outcome after SD, 12 but human studies have so far been limited by the requirement for invasive electrical recordings in patients with craniotomies. It would be helpful to establish additional biomarkers of metabolic status, to assess vulnerability to SD in injured brain.Extracellular adenosine accumulation can serve as a global indicator of energy charge....