“…Globalisation has forced changes in market competition -one-dimensionality and physical and administrative borders have all but vanished (Brondoni, 2002) -and has also reshaped the spaces in which multiple tourist actor-to-actor interactions, and the consequent value formation, take place. ICTs have further accelerated these processes, causing a paradigm-shift (Buhalis & Law, 2008) in the competitiveness of tourism organisations and destinations around the world (UNWTO, 2001), reshaping the role of tourism in affluent societies and newcomer countries (Brondoni, 2016) and re-inventing tourist products and experiences. E-tourism has transformed the way in which consumer and experience tourism products are produced and purchased, turning these exchanges into a dynamic co-creation (Gretzel, Fesenmaier, Formica, & O'Leary, 2006;Neuhofer, Buhalis, & Ladkin, 2012;Xiang & Gretzel, 2010;Munar, 2012;Bellini & Brondoni, 2016).…”