Klju~ne besede: geotermalni visokotemperaturni vir, geotermalna elektrarna, hidrotermalni vir, HDR, EGS, termi~na u~inkovitost, naftna in plinska industrija, severovzhodna Slovenija, Panonski bazen.Key words: high temperature resources, geothermal power plant, hydrothermal resources, HDR, EGS, thermal efficiency, oil and gas industry, Northeastern Slovenia, Pannonian basin Izvle~ek lanek je namenjen ozave{~anju zainteresirane javnosti s ciljem, da lahko vsak presodi resni~nost in pravilnost zapisov, ki se o možnostih izrabe geotermalne energije pojavljajo v medijih. Obravnava namre~ celovit pregled geotermalnih sistemov, potencial hidrotermalnih in izbolj{anih geotermalnih sistemov, nadalje mehanizme in zna~ilnosti srednje-do visokotemperaturnih geotermalnih virov ter na~in njihove pretvorbe v elektriko. Predstavljeni so glavni elementi, ki vplivajo na uspe{nost pretvorbe geotermalne v elektri~no energijo. Podana sta pregled potrebnih raziskav za ugotovitev geotermi~nega potenciala in ocena tehnolo{kih ter ekonomskih možnosti postavitve geotermalnih elektrarn v Sloveniji. Pri tem je opisano stanje poznavanja srednje-in visokotemperaturnih geotermalnih virov v Sloveniji z za~etnimi pogoji za postavitev geotermalne elektrarne. Poleg tega podajamo teoreti~ne izra~une izkoristka pretvorbe geotermalne energije v elektri~no s klasi~nimi turbinami in navajamo pogoste teža-ve pri izkori{~anju geotermalne energije, ki so povezane z dodatnimi stro{ki in znižujejo u~inkovitost investicije. Opisane so lastnosti ter u~inkovitost binarnih geotermalnih elektrarn in tuje izku{nje pri pridobivanju elektrike iz EGS (izbolj{ani geotermalni sistem, angl. Enhanced Geothermal System). Obravnavamo tudi prekrivanje delovanja naftne in plinske industrije z delovanjem EGS ter uporabnost naftnih in plinskih vrtin za proizvodnjo geotermalne elektrike.
AbstractThis article is intended to raise awareness of the public, with the aim that anyone can judge reality and accuracy of records that appear in the media on the exploitation of geothermal energy. It provides a comprehensive overview of geothermal systems, potential of hydrothermal and enhanced geothermal systems, of mechanisms and characteristics of middle and high enthalpy geothermal resources. It also deals with a mode of their conversion into electricity. Featured are the main factors affecting the decision on effectiveness of conversion of geothermal energy into electricity. Given are the review of the research necessary to establish the geothermal potential and assessment of technological and economic possibilities of installing geothermal power plants in Slovenia. The paper also describes the state of knowledge of middle-and high temperature geothermal resources in Slovenia with initial conditions for constructing geothermal power plants. In addition, we present theoretical calculations of the conversion efficiency of geothermal energy into electricity with conventional turbines and present some problems for the exploitation of geothermal energy, which are associated with additiona...