“…For some time, the Bronson Hill arc has been considered to be part of a larger peri-Gondwanan system of arcs that developed in the Iapetus Ocean outboard of peri-Laurentian arcs now located to the west (e.g., Hibbard et al, 2006). Even though the Bronson Hill arc is currently thought to be built on peri-Gondwanan crust, the position of the suture between Laurentia and the western edge of Ganderia, called the Red Indian Line, remains an open matter of debate (Dorais et al, 2012;Macdonald et al, 2014Macdonald et al, , 2017Coish et al, 2015;Tremblay and Pinet, 2016;Karabinos et al, 2017). The Red Indian Line, defined in Newfoundland, is a major terrane-boundary mylonitic fault that separates rocks with North American faunas from rocks with Celtic brachiopods diagnostic of oceanic islands (Williams et al, 1988;Neuman, 1984).…”