DOI: 10.1159/000276321
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Geneva Experience with the Ineraid Multichannel Cochlear Implant

Abstract: Ineraid is a multichannel intracochlear implant of recent design that can provide high levels of speech recognition to totally deaf patients. We chose this device when it became available in 1985 because of our clinical and research interests. We had no commercial ties and could therefore critically assess the value of this implant in an array of patients, including congenital deafness, ossified cochleas and perilingual children.

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Cited by 12 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 6 publications
(8 reference statements)
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“…The performances of our patients range from optimal with open speech understanding in the majority of cases, to unsatisfactory with 3 nonusers [1], Multichannel intracochleär implants can only be effec tive if the auditory nerve is responding to electrical stimu lation. an adequate number of electrodes can be intro duced in the cochlea, and useful current levels do not acti vate the facial nerve [2,3], Extracochlear electrical test stimulation can show if the nerve is grossly responding, but gives little informa tion on how efficient intracochleär stimulation will even tually be to permit speech recognition [4], In small chil dren, subjective tests cannot be performed at all.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 91%
“…The performances of our patients range from optimal with open speech understanding in the majority of cases, to unsatisfactory with 3 nonusers [1], Multichannel intracochleär implants can only be effec tive if the auditory nerve is responding to electrical stimu lation. an adequate number of electrodes can be intro duced in the cochlea, and useful current levels do not acti vate the facial nerve [2,3], Extracochlear electrical test stimulation can show if the nerve is grossly responding, but gives little informa tion on how efficient intracochleär stimulation will even tually be to permit speech recognition [4], In small chil dren, subjective tests cannot be performed at all.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 91%
“…Öğrenmenin okul sınırları dışında kentsel mekânlarda ve çocukların gündelik çevrelerinde de gerçekleşebileceğini hatta zaman zaman daha güçlü etkiler yaratacağını ortaya koyan (Bekerman, Burbules & Silberman-Keller, 2006;Ellsworth, 2005) çalışma, çocuk katılımı ile alternatif öğrenme yöntemleri arasında bir köprü kurma potansiyeli taşır. Eğitim sürecinin katılımcı bir anlayışla, geleneksel öğrenme ortamlarında çoğunlukla asimetrik olan çocuk-yetişkin ve öğretmen-öğrenci ilişkilerinden (Alanen ve Mayall, 2001;Montandon, 2001;Zeiher, 2001) mümkün olduğunca arındırılıp çocuk failliğini destekleyecek ve güçlendirecek (Kumpulainen, vd., 2010) bir şekilde tasarlanmış olması da öğrenmenin kendisini olumlu yönde etkilemiştir.…”
Section: Sonuç Ve Değerlendi̇rmeunclassified
“…In our center, several profoundly deaf patients were implanted in the 1980s with the Ineraid cochlear implant system (Montandon et al, 1992). We recently developed safe and artifact free experimental methods for fMRI upon intracochlear electrical stimulation (Lazeyras et al, 2002).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%