“…The relevant information can be summarized as follows: (1) Cacajao calvus (Cac): 7 specimens originated from Rio Ucayali were sampled while kept in captivity at the "Proyeto Peruano de Primatologia" Manoel Moro Sommo, Iquitos, Peru; (2) Chiropotes satanas chiropotes (Csc): 12 specimens were captured at both banks of Rio Trombetas, Porteira county, Par/t, Brazil; (3) Chiropotes satanas utahicki (Csu): 95 specimens were apprehended from the west bank of the Rio Tocantins in Tucurui county, Pardi, Brazil, during the building of a hydroelectric plant (see SCHNEIDER et al, 1991, for details); and (4) Pithecia irrorata (Pi): 143 specimens were captured in the east and west banks of the Rio Jamari near Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil during the building of a hydroelectric plant. All these collecting sites have been described before (SCHNEIDER, SCHNEIDER, SAMPAIO, MONTOYA, TAPIA, ENCARNACION, ANSELMO, t~ SALZANO, 1993).…”