“…For many, the reality of academia is an unpredictable route, much like the children's board game with a winding path and spaces that suddenly deliver players closer to the win or drive them back to the starting line. The chutes and ladders metaphor more closely resembles the many ways in which gender inequality manifests in the academy, leading some to exit the profession or linger in untenured or contingent positions (Alter et al 2019;Artz, Goodall, and Oswald 2018;Babcock et al 2003;Barnes and Beaulieu 2017;Fattore 2019;Hesli and Lee 2011;Manchester, Leslie, and Kramer 2010;Mitchell and Hesli 2013;Mitchell, Lange, and Brus 2013). Chutes take the form of sudden and consequential changes in personal and professional circumstances that derail career trajectories-including pregnancy; struggles with infertility; bias in hiring decisions; daily parenthood challenges; gender-based harassment or the cumulation of microaggressions; and precarious employment in short-term, contingent, or adjunct faculty positions.…”