“…Two diets containing 64 per cent sucrose have been studied at Emory University (Haldi et al, 1958;W ynn et al, 1953;W ynn et al, 1959) Caries has been produced in hamsters at the US Na tional Institute of Dental Research by diets containing 56-59 per cent con fectionery sugar and 27-28 per cent skim milk powder as the major con stituents (sec for example Keyes, 1959;Englander and Keyes, 1964;Englander, Keyes and Fitzgerald, 1965). This type of diet is said to cause more proximal and fissure caries than the diet of McClure (1955), which contained glucose and cornstarch instead of sucrose (Larson, Zipkin and Fitzgerald, 1963).…”