Given a polytope P, an interior point x ∈ P and a direction d ∈ R n , the projection of x along d asks to find the maximum step-length t * such that x + t * d ∈ P; we say x + t * d is the pierce point obtained by projection. In [13], we solely explored the idea of projecting the origin 0n along integer directions only, focusing on dual polytopes P in Column Generation models. This work addresses a more general projection sub-problem, considering arbitrary interior points x ∈ P and arbitrary non-integer directions d ∈ R n , in areas beyond Column Generation. The projection sub-problem generalizes the separation sub-problem of the well-known Cutting-Planes. We propose a new algorithm Projective Cutting-Planes that relies on this projection sub-problem to optimize over polytopes P with prohibitively-many constraints. At each iteration, this new algorithm selects a point xnew on the segment joining the points x and x + t * d determined at the previous iteration. Then, it projects xnew along the direction dnew pointing towards the current optimal (outer) solution (of the current outer approximation of P), so as to generate a new pierce point xnew + t * new dnew and a new constraint of P. By re-optimizing the linear program enriched with this new constraint, the algorithm finds a new current optimal (outer) solution and moves to the next iteration by updating x = xnew and d = dnew. Compared to Cutting-Planes, the main advantage of Projective Cutting-Planes is that it has a built-in functionality to generate a feasible inner solution x + t * d at each iteration. These inner solutions converge iteratively to an optimal solution opt(P), and so, Projective Cutting-Planes is more similar to an interior point method than to the Simplex method. Numerical experiments in different optimization settings confirm the potential of the proposed ideas.