I, your editor, have been visiting Xi'an Jiaotong University since May 2009. I was then appointed Adjunct Professor for five years and ever since, I have been coming to Xi'an every year, the ancient capital of China. Professor Zhaolin Gu, who is the Executive Dean at the School of Human Settlement and Civil Engineering, would like me to take a more active role in the university to provide lectures to the undergraduate and graduate students; to collaborate with the research and to mentor two of his young lecturers at the school, particularly on Atmospheric Pollution, Historical Relics Preservation and Urban and Built Environments. I was later successfully appointed 'Overseas Distinguished Professor' in 2011 for three years funded by the Ministry of Education/State Administration of Foreign Experts in China. This was a great honour, and the university further awarded me the title 'Honorary Professor' in 2012. I was the University's second Overseas Distinguished Professor! The appointment has been renewed and approved in 2015, by the Ministry of Education for another three years, which is another first in the university. I am now becoming very much part of the furniture at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and I have been fascinated and impressed by the subject areas which I have been involved in and contacted with at Xi'an Jiaotong University.The ancient city of Xi'an 1 was the oldest capital of