Linear time-periodic systems have been an active area of research in the last decades. They arise in various applications such as anisotropic rotor-bearing systems and nonlinear systems linearized about a periodic trajectory. Rigorous bounds support the transient analysis of these systems. Optimal constants are determined by the differential calculus for norms of matrix functions. Bounds based on trigonometric spline approximations of the solution are introduced and convergence results for the approximations are stated. Bounds are illustrated by means of an anisotropic rotor-bearing system.
Linear time-periodic systemsWe are considering a set of linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with time-periodic coefficients with periodicity T and a given initial condition as a linear time-periodic systeṁwhere x ∈ R n and A : R → R n×n . Under well known assumptions a unique solution to (1) is guaranteed. The solution can then be represented by the following theorem due to Floquet [1], but in a different form.Theorem 1.1 A fundamental matrix Φ(t) of (1) can be represented aswhere R, Z(t) ∈ C n×n and Z(t) = Z(t + T ) is nonsingular ∀t ∈ R.The solution x(t) is a linear combination of n linearly independent solutions w.r.t. the initial condition x 0 : x(t) = Φ(t)x 0 = Z(t)e Rt x 0 with Φ(0) = I. Determining Φ(t) in the interval [0, T ] is sufficient due to the semigroup property of the solution. For the sake of simplicity we consider equidistant nodes t i = ih for i = −1, 0, 1, . . . , r with h = T r and we use quadratic trigonometric splines T i (t) [2] to approximate the solution. . .whereT denotes a vector of the i-th coefficients α (j)i of the spline approximation s j (t) for j = 1, . . . , n. Quadratic trigonometric splines with compact support are chosen in order to simplify the computation of the coefficientswhere θ = 1 sin h sin h 2 . Solving ODEs by spline approximations has been investigated by F. R. Loscalzo and T. D. Talbot [3] and many others, e.g. A. Nikolis [4]. The focus on trigonometric splines is due to the periodicity of (1) and furthermore, we will equip the computation with rigorous upper and lower bounds on the solution. Demanding that the approximation s fulfills (1) at the nodes t i , yields a series of r + 1 linear systems A