This document lists (a) every country in the envisioned V-Dem database, (b) the identities of each polity that comprises a country's history through the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (e.g., Russia-USSR); (c) the years for which we have collected data or plan to collect data (in parentheses next to the entry); and (d) the borders of each country (wherever this might be unclear). Many dates are approximate due to the inconclusive nature of a country's history. Note that changes in sovereignty often occur by stages, and marking these stages with specific dates can be challenging. General sources for compiling this document include Wikipedia and Additional sources, along with notes pertaining to specific countries, empires, and federations are contained in a separate document: "Countries, Empires, Elections (misc notes)" "Country" A V-Dem country is a political unit enjoying at least some degree of functional and/or formal sovereignty. Generally, wherever countries are formally sovereign (in international law) they are treated as countries in V-Dem. However, the recognized sovereignty of a country in international law is sometimes more extensive than the definition of a country in V-Dem. For example, China claims formal sovereignty over Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (at least, according to the PRC), while we regard these entities as separate countries because they enjoy a good deal of autonomy and because their polities work differently than the PRC's.