“…These are Sapotoxylon taeniatum (Felix, 1882) from Bavaria in south-east Germany. Manilkaroxylon diluviale (Hofmann, 1944) from the Quaternary deposits of South America, Manilkaroxylon crystallophora and Palaeosideroxylon flammula (Grambast-Fessard, 1968) from the Upper Miocene of Castel-lane in south-east France, Siderinium deomatliense Prakash & Awasthi (1970) from the Mio-Pliocene of Deomali, Arunachal Pradesh. Manilkaroxylon bohemicum and Sapotoxylon pacltovae (Prakash et al, 1974) from the Tertiary of South Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Chrysophyllxylon indicum Awasthi (1977) from the Mio-Pliocene beds, near Pondicherry, India and Madhucoxylon cacharense Prakash & Tripathi (1976) from the Tipam Seiresm, near Hailandandi, Assam.…”